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favorite pets

Posted by Dwi On 11:50 PM
angora rabbit
 Angora rabbits are among the earliest rabbit breeds, which was domesticated for its fur. These rabbits are natives to Ankara in Turkey, which is also linked to the origin of the Turkish Angora cats and goats. It is believed that the French people introduced Angora rabbits to Europe. During the mid-eighteenth century, these rabbits were brought to France and were very popular in that country during that time. With time, this popular rabbit breed appeared in other European countries and it was during the early years of the twentieth century, that these rabbits were introduced in the United States. However, they were initially raised for their fur, which was used for making sweaters and other warm apparel. But, now there are many breeds of Angoras, which are raised as pets. Being gentle and friendly in nature, these rabbits are perfect as pets, even for kids. But they need special care and grooming, due to their characteristic fluffy fur. So you must have a basic understanding about Angora rabbit care. 

cat angora
angora cat has a body size is, with relatively large body, long, slender, with long legs and tail. Its tail is thick and fluffy fur like sable tails. Prominent nose, the whole head is shaped like a triangle, with pointed ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes big. This cat's color varies, there is a white, black, brown, Tricolour / blangtelon (white, black, yellow, brown), yellow, red, etc..

Turkish Angora cats in 1954 first officially imported into the United States. In 1968 the first registered in the CFA (Cat fanciers Association) when it was a white Angora cat. Competition held in 1970 began the cat, also in 1972. And in 1976 obtained the first CFA grand champion.

 One of the most amiable hounds, the Beagle was bred as a pack hunter and needs companionship, whether human or canine. He loves to explore the outdoors and is an enthusiastic trailer. Given adequate exercise, he is a calm, tractable house pet. He is an excellent child's dog, gentle, incredibly tolerant and always ready to join in a game or an adventure. He is an independent breed, however, and may run off if a trail beckons. He barks and howls.
 By the 1800s, Beagles existed in several sizes, but the smaller 'pocket-size' dogs were particularly popular. These dogs measured only about 9 inches and often needed the hunter's assistance in crossing rough fields. One of the special appeals of the smaller beagles was that the hunt could be followed even by ladies, the aged or the infirm, as they slowly followed the winding path of the hare. The first mention of the Beagle in America was in 1642

Major concerns: intervertebral disc disease, CHD
Minor concerns: glaucoma, epilepsy
Occasionally seen: deafness, hemophilia A, cataracts
Suggested tests: hip, (eye)
Life span: 12-15 years

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